
Hey guys, this blog is in addition to my other, eagleeyeforge.blogspot.com, as I want to try and keep that one about knifemaking, blacksmithing etc...
So I created this one to talk about everything else. Politics, jokes, just random thoughts, etc...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Enviromental Literacy

Guess what? Maryland is the first to add “environmental literacy” to the list of required classes to pass highschool. My question, what will they be teaching in this class?

Thus far, I have only found one original article about this, everywhere else is linking back to this original story. As of now, no one knows what exactly they will be teaching, but I can tell you this, and feel free to quote me when this comes out, it will push the leftist “green” agenda and the global warming (or is it cooling these days?) hoax. This post is not about global warming or climate change But, it is to ask, why does the government feel they need to spend our money, to teach our (well, ya’lls since I’m only 17) kids about how America is killing the world through pollution and how we’ll all drown in 10 years because of global warming (until winter comes this year and it’s global cooling)?

I was fortunate enough to grow up homeschooled, I didn’t have opinions instead of facts pushed upon me like that, instead, I was taught to think for myself, examine both sides of an issue, and take a stand for what I believe. But free thinking young people would not serve the purpose of our countries leaders, so they teach useless things like this. After all, when you can lead someone to think that your “saving” the world by selling carbon credits (another post in the future), and they haven’t been taught to check out your story, and do actual research, then they’ll think you’re a savior, and vote for you again, and again, not realizing that your just using them to further your agenda.

Think about it folks, remember, our public school systems were based on the school system used by Hitler (Or Stalin, I can’t remember for sure) to indoctrinate children, and it’s working. What do you want your kids taught? Environmental Literacy? Or how about something real, like history, a subject that is the foundation for any civilization.

Please, read the original article, and let me know what you think. I welcome people to explain their viewpoint on the subject.



  1. “I was fortunate enough to grow up homeschooled, I didn’t have my head filled with useless garbage like that, instead, I was taught to think for myself, examine both sides of an issue, and take a stand for what I believe.”
    So what two sides have you examined?
    It seems you have looked only into the American political and entertainment news media sides of the issue. Thinking for yourself does not mean picking from a number ignorant of viewpoints and proclaiming one true, it entails seeking truth and knowledge. You think our environment is not changing? I do not know at what level the impact of human contamination has caused these changes or what the final outcome will be, but quoting the media for the ignorant or political three second sound bites will not yield anyone useful knowledge. If you want to form your own opinion about this very complicated problem I would suggest you study the science and examine the long term data, and then come to an informed opinion, not parrot someone else’s misinformed one. It is good you can recognize a hoax, don’t help those who create them spread them by repeating the nonsense, if you want the truth you must seek it.

  2. Hey Bob, I’m not sure what your point is here. It seems that you have completely missed the point of my original post. My post was about Maryland introducing “environmental literacy” as a high school program, I was voicing my opinion about how it’s likely that the class will push leftist “green” propaganda. I’d try to answer directly all of your points, but as I said, they are all out of context and have no relevance to my original post, and frankly, they don’t really make any sense. I’m sensing that because I dared to mention global warming and my disbelief in that propaganda, you fixated on that, and did not pay any attention to the whole point of the post. Please reread the original post, get past the global warming and then make a more logical comment.


  3. Seriously? You feel it a waste to teach people that they have an impact on their environment? The local and global environment is unimportant to you? You talk about doing “actual research” what has that research revealed to you? At seventeen you seem very closed minded, who has taught you that the ‘right wing’ is correct and the ‘left wing’ spreads propaganda? Both sides of that house are so corrupt it is difficult to tell which type of power hungry money grubber they are, and for the most part it matters little. My point is simple, I believe you do not think for yourself, I don’t think you know how. It is obvious you have done no serious research as you repeat sound bites and media nonsense. You appear to be prejudiced or simply parroting someone else’s political agenda.
    My rant continues, but I will spare you, I feel it would fall on deaf ears at any rate. There is no need for you to think for yourself continue down the road with your blinders on, its save, really, your masters offer bread and circus at such a small price.
