
Hey guys, this blog is in addition to my other, eagleeyeforge.blogspot.com, as I want to try and keep that one about knifemaking, blacksmithing etc...
So I created this one to talk about everything else. Politics, jokes, just random thoughts, etc...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Hey guys, if any of you are still paying attention after this long of a lag, I'm sorry I haven't been posting for a while.

I recently got a job, and mixing that with my welding classes, has given me very little free time. And so, when I have free time, I spend it on knifemaking instead of other things. But, I do hope to start posting here more often.

But, there are many things brewing in the public arena that need to be discussed, and I hope to have some real posts up soon.

Topics I hope to discuss in the near future:

The occupy protests.
Knife rights and laws.
Concealed carry.


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