
Hey guys, this blog is in addition to my other, eagleeyeforge.blogspot.com, as I want to try and keep that one about knifemaking, blacksmithing etc...
So I created this one to talk about everything else. Politics, jokes, just random thoughts, etc...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Enviromental Literacy

Guess what? Maryland is the first to add “environmental literacy” to the list of required classes to pass highschool. My question, what will they be teaching in this class?

Thus far, I have only found one original article about this, everywhere else is linking back to this original story. As of now, no one knows what exactly they will be teaching, but I can tell you this, and feel free to quote me when this comes out, it will push the leftist “green” agenda and the global warming (or is it cooling these days?) hoax. This post is not about global warming or climate change But, it is to ask, why does the government feel they need to spend our money, to teach our (well, ya’lls since I’m only 17) kids about how America is killing the world through pollution and how we’ll all drown in 10 years because of global warming (until winter comes this year and it’s global cooling)?

I was fortunate enough to grow up homeschooled, I didn’t have opinions instead of facts pushed upon me like that, instead, I was taught to think for myself, examine both sides of an issue, and take a stand for what I believe. But free thinking young people would not serve the purpose of our countries leaders, so they teach useless things like this. After all, when you can lead someone to think that your “saving” the world by selling carbon credits (another post in the future), and they haven’t been taught to check out your story, and do actual research, then they’ll think you’re a savior, and vote for you again, and again, not realizing that your just using them to further your agenda.

Think about it folks, remember, our public school systems were based on the school system used by Hitler (Or Stalin, I can’t remember for sure) to indoctrinate children, and it’s working. What do you want your kids taught? Environmental Literacy? Or how about something real, like history, a subject that is the foundation for any civilization.

Please, read the original article, and let me know what you think. I welcome people to explain their viewpoint on the subject.


Cosby on Noahs Ark

Hey Ya'll, not a serious post, but I'll be doing a real one soon.

This is Cosby, discussing how Noah might have felt talking to God about the ark.

Enjoy, Stephen.

Monday, June 27, 2011

The battle

The Battle: How the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America's Future

Hey everyone, you'll see this book mentioned as the first book on my reading list. I read this book last year, loaned it to a friend, and don't have it back yet. But, this book is well written, well documented, and a very important subject. One of the things about the book that stood out to me most, was the documentation, nearly every sentence they wrote, had a footnote that you could follow to a different book, an essay, a politicians statement, etc... They took the time to prove what they said. That is important when writing about something like this.

I strongly recommend this book to any free thinking person, as I recommend any other book on my list. As well as movie on the too watch list. Please note, I am not, and never would consider, receiving any payment, or any other compensation for recommending the material I recommend. I just do it because I want other people to open their eyes, and become free thinking, active citizens. people like that are the people that built this nation, and got us where we are, let's keep it that way.


Hey everyone, this is the start of my new blog, Around the Forge. I call it that because I'm a bladesmith/blacksmith, and this blog is for discussing a bit of everything, around the forge as it is. I'll be making posts about random news articles, things going on in the political arena, books I've read and recommend, something I found funny, anything as it were. Please, I will at some points, talk about contreversial subjects. I want, welcome, and encourage people to read, and comment with their thoughts. But please, go over to the rules page and comment accordingly (basically, no cursing, no vulgarity, etc...)

So, read on, say what you think, and enjoy.
